Additional verification photos
Under certain circumstances, we may ask you to submit additional photos so we can verify your identity. The information you submit is protected by our privacy policy, and we won’t share it with other
Additional verification photos
We ask you to submit photos for identity verification when you book a car. We’ll ask you to submit additional photos if we’re unable to conclusively verify your identity.
We’ll send an email or a text message if we need additional verification photos. We may ask for photos of the following:
Front and back of your physical driver’s license; we can’t accept a screenshot of your license or photos of a digital license
Selfie of you holding your driver's license next to your face
Proof of residency
Bank statement
Note: Our privacy policy applies to the information you provide during this process. We won’t share any details you provide.
Submissions via email
You can also submit photos by replying to the email we sent requesting the additional photos. You must attach your photos to your email reply.
Don’t paste your photos into the body of your email or submit links to files located on Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive. We’re unable to view any of these file types. To avoid having to resubmit your photos, preview them before emailing them to us. Stay away from using the flash setting and filters and make sure the photos are in-focus and show all the required information. We can’t accept scanned documents; we must have photos to confirm the documents are in your possession.
Driver’s license photo
Take a clear, close-up photo where all four corners and sides of the license are visible.
Selfie of you holding your driver's license next to your face
Take a clear photo of you holding your driver's license next to your face. Make sure your head and shoulders are visible and your full arm is showing, if possible.
Be sure we can clearly see your face. Don’t wear any hats or sunglasses.