Booking a car
Age requirements for booking a car
You must be 21 or older to book a car with us.
Verification requirements for booking a car
We’ll ask first-time guests for:
driver’s license number and expiration date
home address
payment method
photo of yourself
We may ask for additional photos and/or we may check your personal and/or business credit report, auto insurance score, and criminal background to verify your identity. When you book a car from us, you give Rosete Timeless Exotics written instructions and permission in line with the Fair Credit Reporting Act or similar laws to obtain this information.
Rosete Timeless Exotics has the right to decline your trip request because of your criminal background, driving record, or any other reason.
License requirements for booking a car
You must have a valid, full, permanent license to book a car. You may not use a license that’s expired, has been altered, is conditional, probational, provisional, or restricted. You may not use a learner’s permit.
You must be a citizen or resident of the United States of America.
Note: Review “Checking in for a trip” to learn what documentation you’ll need to share with your host before they can give you access to the vehicle.